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Author Archives: Melissa Carreno

Newsletter 11.18.2020

GSGA Newsletter 

November 18, 2020


Happy Wednesday SPH students!

Today and this week there are special events happening. There is a media training for climate health professionals at 12:00pm and later today at 4:00pm there is a live stream of Fevers, Feuds, and Diamonds: Ebola and the Ravages of History. Lastly this Friday at 6:00pm GSGA will be hosting their Friendsgiving mixer. Students who participate in the Friendsgiving mixer will receive a meal coupon. RSVP here today and see below for more details!


GSGA 2020-2021


Media Training For Climate Health Professionals | November 18| 12-1:30pm PST! RSVP HERE.

As health professionals and health students, most of us have very little training in talking to the media. However, as climate health advocates, this has the potential to be a hugely important part of our work!

Climate Health Now, Florida Clinicians for Climate Action, and the Medical Society Consortium on Climate and Health invite you to join us on November 18th from 12-1:30pm PST for an interactive webinar to learn the nuts and bolts about why it’s important to work with the media, how to pitch a story or interview, how to prepare for an interview, what to expect with different types of media (e.g., radio, podcast, television, live webstream), and more! The event will be moderated by Melissa Baldwin and Sarah Spengeman and will feature a panel with Ari Bernstein, MD, Amanda Millstein, MD, and Neelu Tummala, MD.

Fevers, Feuds, and Diamonds |November 18| 4:00pm | Watch Here Live Stream

Please join me for this exciting event at 4:00 pm EST on Wednesday, November 18. Dr. Paul Farmer’s highly anticipated book, Fevers, Feuds, and Diamonds: Ebola and the Ravages of History, comes out this week. Dr. Paul Farmer will join fellow luminaries Dr. Michelle Morse, Dr. Salmaan Keshavjee, and Dr. Pardis Sabeti in a conversation moderated by Dr. Joan Reede about what we can learn from pandemics and the global history of racial injustice.

Bryan Stevenson—the founder of the Equal Justice Initiative and author of Just Mercy—writes about Fevers, Feuds, and Diamonds: “Paul Farmer’s devastating account of catastrophic disease and death created by unjust systems, structures, and abusive history is timely, urgent and terrifying. This moving and compelling book is a tragic but necessary journey guided by an extraordinary anthropologist, historian, teacher, writer, and doctor who has served the poor and disfavored for decades. He has much to teach us in these perilous times.”

Friendsgiving Mixer Is this Friday at 6:00pm | RSVP here!

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week (November 15-22)

Picture the Homeless Event, Monday November 23, 2020 3-4pm | RSVP

DeBorah Dickerson of Picture the Homeless (PTH) will share their efforts to ensure affordable housing for the most marginalized during COVID19.  She will be joined by Lynn Lewis founding Executive Director of PTH and curator of the PTH Oral History Project. Come and hear the voices of New Yorkers currently or formerly without permanent or stable housing who have given years of their lives, through some of the most challenging circumstances imaginable, to make NYC a better place for all of us.

CUNY SPH Career Events

CEESP Info Session

Wednesday, November 18  |  5pm – 6pm |  Virtual  |  Register

CUNY School of Medicine is actively seeking CUNY SPH students to apply to their Cancer Epidemiology Education in Special Populations (CEESP) program. The CEESP Program is a research training program funded by the NIH/NCI grant to develop careers of public health students from all schools and programs of public health in the U.S. in the field of cancer epidemiology and cancer prevention and control. The CEESP Program provides funding for students to travel and conduct mentored summer research internships in foreign countries and U.S. minority settings. Accepted students will receive $7,200 from the CESSP Program for their summer work. This program can be utilized as a fieldwork site. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services

Fieldwork Orientations 

Various dates and times | Virtual  | Register

Planning to enroll in fieldwork for Summer 2021? Your next step is to register to attend a fieldwork orientation and fill out the fieldwork pre-registration form (linked above when you click “Register”). Because summer session is a shorter session, it’s important to get started planning your field work as soon as possible! Orientation will take place on zoom and dates being offered are:

  • Tuesday, November 10 | 8 – 9pm
  • Thursday, November 12 | 5 – 6pm
  • Friday, November 20 | 12 – 1pm
  • Wednesday, December 2 | 8 – 9pm
  • Monday, December 7 | 5 – 6pm
  • Wednesday, January 27 | 8 – 9pm



COVID Exposure Alerts App

COVID Alert NY is a voluntary, anonymous, exposure-notification smartphone app. You will get an alert if you were in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. We encourage you to learn more about COVID Alert NY and download the app here. The app is available in several languages to anyone 18 or older who lives, works, or attends college in New York or New Jersey and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.


 If you are a current CUNY SPH student facing short-term financial hardship, we encourage you to submit an application to the Student Emergency Fund.

To access the application, you will need to log into SharePoint using your SPH login (sph\______) credentials.  Reach out to the [email protected] if you require assistance with SharePoint.

Click here to apply.  Please note that applicants will be asked to submit supporting documentation to demonstrate financial need.

Newsletter 11.11.2020

GSGA Newsletter 

November 11, 2020


Hello SPH Students!

This month there are a couple of events happening. Tonight there is an SPH screening for “The Antidote” at 6:00pm and on November 20th, GSGA will be hosting a Friendsgiving mixer for SPH students. We encourage you to participate as there will be surprise gifts for students who join!

You may also find resources below regarding COVID-19 and Student Emergency Funds. See more information and events below.


GSGA 2020-2021

Today is Veteran’s Day

Veteran’s Day was an act approved on May 13, 1938, made the 11th of November in each year a legal holiday—a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as “Armistice Day” today known as Veteran’s Day. Click here to learn more about the history.


Tonight SPH is Screening: The Antidote

Wednesday, November 11  |  6pm | RSVP to receive link to screening and talkback

The film is about everyday people who make the intentional choice to lift others up, despite the fundamentally unkind ways of our society, which are at once facts of life in America and yet deeply antithetical to our founding ideals.

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week (November 15-22)

Fair Food Event, Monday November 16, 2020 3-4pm | RSVP

As part of their Fair Food Program, members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) will join us for “Fair Food in the Time of COVID” a virtual presentation on organizing for fair wages and protection from abusive and exploitative labor abuses for farm workers during COVID. Come learn from workers who provide food for so many how you can support this campaign.


Picture the Homeless Event, Monday November 23, 2020 3-4pm | RSVP

DeBorah Dickerson of Picture the Homeless (PTH) will share their efforts to ensure affordable housing for the most marginalized during COVID19.  She will be joined by Lynn Lewis founding Executive Director of PTH and curator of the PTH Oral History Project. Come and hear the voices of New Yorkers currently or formerly without permanent or stable housing who have given years of their lives, through some of the most challenging circumstances imaginable, to make NYC a better place for all of us.

Friendsgiving Mixer – Will you be there? | RSVP here!

CUNY SPH Career Events

Cover Letter Writing Workshop

Friday, November 13  |  12pm – 1pm  |  Virtual  | Register 

Does the thought of writing a cover letter make you want to do literally anything else? Not sure how the information in your cover letter is different than what’s shared on your resume? Wondering if anyone really reads these things anyway? During this virtual workshop, get these questions and more answered and learn how to create a more compelling cover letter narrative. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services.


Northwell Health Info Session

Monday, November 16  |  12pm – 1pm  |  Virtual  |  Register

Join talent acquisition specialists from Northwell Health as they share an overview of Northwell and discuss opportunities for employment. They will give you insider insight into their interview process, tips for effective resume writing, and how to be a successful candidate. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services.


CEESP Info Session

Wednesday, November 18  |  5pm – 6pm |  Virtual  |  Register

CUNY School of Medicine is actively seeking CUNY SPH students to apply to their Cancer Epidemiology Education in Special Populations (CEESP) program. The CEESP Program is a research training program funded by the NIH/NCI grant to develop careers of public health students from all schools and programs of public health in the U.S. in the field of cancer epidemiology and cancer prevention and control. The CEESP Program provides funding for students to travel and conduct mentored summer research internships in foreign countries and U.S. minority settings. Accepted students will receive $7,200 from the CESSP Program for their summer work. This program can be utilized as a fieldwork site. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services

Fieldwork Orientations 

Various dates and times | Virtual  | Register

Planning to enroll in fieldwork for Summer 2021? Your next step is to register to attend a fieldwork orientation and fill out the fieldwork pre-registration form (linked above when you click “Register”). Because summer session is a shorter session, it’s important to get started planning your field work as soon as possible! Orientation will take place on zoom and dates being offered are:

  • Tuesday, November 10 | 8 – 9pm
  • Thursday, November 12 | 5 – 6pm
  • Friday, November 20 | 12 – 1pm
  • Wednesday, December 2 | 8 – 9pm
  • Monday, December 7 | 5 – 6pm
  • Wednesday, January 27 | 8 – 9pm



COVID Exposure Alerts App

COVID Alert NY is a voluntary, anonymous, exposure-notification smartphone app. You will get an alert if you were in close contact with someone who tests positive for COVID-19. We encourage you to learn more about COVID Alert NY and download the app here. The app is available in several languages to anyone 18 or older who lives, works, or attends college in New York or New Jersey and can be downloaded from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.


 If you are a current CUNY SPH student facing short-term financial hardship, we encourage you to submit an application to the Student Emergency Fund.

To access the application, you will need to log into SharePoint using your SPH login (sph\______) credentials.  Reach out to the [email protected] if you require assistance with SharePoint.

Click here to apply.  Please note that applicants will be asked to submit supporting documentation to demonstrate financial need.

Newsletter 11.04.2020

GSGA Newsletter 

November 4, 2020

Hello SPH Students!

We hope that you went out and voted yesterday!

We want to invite you on November 20, 2020 at 6:00pm to the virtual GSGA Friendsgiving Mixer. RSVP here today to hold your spot! Unfortunately, this year we cannot be on campus to celebrate but we would love for you to join us!  We have a surprise for students who participate on November 20th!

In the meantime…what are you grateful for?

RSVP here

Step Challenge

Have you tried being active this year? Need motivation? Check out how many steps SPH students have been taking! Join the challenge here today!



Student Grief Support Group

Wednesdays at 5 pm from 10/21 – 12/9
Student Wellness Counselor Sherry Adams will facilitate an open group in which the vast range of grief responses related to losing a loved one are reviewed, discussed, and validated.  The ways in which COVID-19 restrictions have affected how we grieve will also be addressed.  Students will be provided an opportunity to offer mutual aid to one another as the process of grieving is navigated.  There will also be opportunities for bereaved students to memorialize their lost loved ones in our group setting.  The group will be a safe space for students who are mourning to express their unique experiences and establish connections with supportive peers.  If you would like more information or are interested in joining the group please email Sherry at [email protected]


COVID-19 Memorial Page

We recognize that COVID-19 has changed how we say goodbye to and memorialize our dear loved ones. While our mourning traditions might look different they remain so very important. With this understanding, we have created a virtual space for you to honor family member(s) you have lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. With immense sympathy and respect, we invite you to the CUNY SPH In Remembrance page to share your tributes. Your expressions of who your lost family member was and what they meant to you and the world matter to us. Please note that signed consent from an authorized family member is needed prior to tributes being published.  While there may be a physical distance between us, we remain a community with opportunities for mutual support.

Career Services Announcement

Northwell Health Info Session

Monday, November 16  |  12pm – 1pm  |  Virtual  |  Register

Join talent acquisition specialists from Northwell Health as they share an overview of Northwell and discuss opportunities for employment. They will give you insider insight into their interview process, tips for effective resume writing, and how to be a successful candidate. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services.


Newsletter 10.28.2020

GSGA Newsletter 

Happy Wednesday SPH students,

We are half way through the semester! Stay focused!!

GSGA wants to remind you that early voting in-person started this past Saturday, October 24th. You can visit NYC Votes’ How to Vote page for more information about how to cast your ballot for the General Election. Also, this Thursday October 29 at 6pm join us and Career Services at the ‘What I Did With My Degree’ virtual event. You still have time to register here today!

Here are GSGA events and resources … Simply click below to check them out!


Coming Soon!


You Are Not Alone: Intimate Partner Violence and the Virtual Campus
Thursday, October 29 (rescheduled from October 14)  |  4pm | RSVP

An interdisciplinary panel of CUNY SPH experts will discuss best practices for members of the SPH community to protect and support those who are impacted by domestic violence amidst the challenges of COVID-19.


Student Grief Support Group

Wednesdays at 5 pm from 10/21 – 12/9
Student Wellness Counselor Sherry Adams will facilitate an open group in which the vast range of grief responses related to losing a loved one are reviewed, discussed, and validated.  The ways in which COVID-19 restrictions have affected how we grieve will also be addressed.  Students will be provided an opportunity to offer mutual aid to one another as the process of grieving is navigated.  There will also be opportunities for bereaved students to memorialize their lost loved ones in our group setting.  The group will be a safe space for students who are mourning to express their unique experiences and establish connections with supportive peers.  If you would like more information or are interested in joining the group please email Sherry at [email protected]


COVID-19 Memorial Page

We recognize that COVID-19 has changed how we say goodbye to and memorialize our dear loved ones. While our mourning traditions might look different they remain so very important. With this understanding, we have created a virtual space for you to honor family member(s) you have lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. With immense sympathy and respect, we invite you to the CUNY SPH In Remembrance page to share your tributes. Your expressions of who your lost family member was and what they meant to you and the world matter to us. Please note that signed consent from an authorized family member is needed prior to tributes being published.  While there may be a physical distance between us, we remain a community with opportunities for mutual support.

Career Services Announcement


Planning to do fieldwork during Summer 2021?

Pre-Registration and fieldwork orientation sign up is now open! Your next steps are to 1) complete the fieldwork Pre-Registration Form. 2) At the end of the form, register for ONE upcoming required virtual fieldwork orientation. The dates are:

      • Tuesday, November 10th, 8 – 9pm
      • Thursday, November 12th, 5 – 6pm
      • Friday, November 20th, 12 – 1pm
      • Wednesday, December 2nd, 8 – 9pm
      • Monday, December 7th, 5 – 6pm
      • Wednesday, January 27th, 8 – 9pm

OEL strongly encourages you to complete the above steps as soon as possible. Because summer is a shorter term, beginning the process early may allow you to start your fieldwork hours early to ensure completion by the end of the summer session (some restrictions apply). Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

Northwell Health Info Session

Monday, November 16  |  12pm – 1pm  |  Virtual  |  Register

Join talent acquisition specialists from Northwell Health as they share an overview of Northwell and discuss opportunities for employment. They will give you insider insight into their interview process, tips for effective resume writing, and how to be a successful candidate. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services.

Newsletter 10.21.2020

GSGA Newsletter 

Hi SPH students!

We hope that you are having a wonderful week so far. GSGA has created a step challenge for students to motivate each other and get out there to walk. So far we have 20 SPH students taking on the challenge and making their steps count. The more students the better! Check down below to see how many steps the students have accomplished!

Also, have you made a plan to vote yet? GSGA has partnered with NYC Votes + CUNY Votes to raise awareness about voting and local government in NYC!

We are just 3 days away from Early Voting Starting in New York! That being said, now is the time to gear up and make a plan to vote. New Yorkers have more voting options now than ever before. You can vote:

  1. Early In-person (Oct. 24 – Nov. 1)
  2. By Mail
  3. Election Day (Nov. 3)

All of these options can seem overwhelming, so that’s why it’s so important to make your voting plan well ahead of time. When making your plan, here are some questions to consider:

  • Where is your polling place located?
  • When is the most convenient time for you to vote?
  • Do you feel comfortable voting in person, or would you rather vote by mail?

Taking a few minutes to think through your voting plan will help you avoid any last-minute situations that could prevent you from voting.

Once you’ve made your plan to vote, we challenge you to help five of your friends make their plan! 

Here are some important Election Deadlines to keep in mind:

Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot – October 27th

Deadline to Postmark Absentee Ballot – November 3rd

Early Voting Period – October 24th – November 1st

Election Day – November 3rd

You can visit NYC Votes’ How to Vote page for more information about how to cast your ballot for the General Election. New Yorkers have more options now than ever before to vote, so it’s important to learn which option is best for you.

You can take the CUNY Pledge to Vote to stay up to date on all the important Election Info you need! Visit this link or text CUNYvotes to 917-979-6377 to pledge your vote.

Step Challenge

Get moving and sign up here today!!

Have you joined the Friday Study Group?

Meet other SPH students and find another student to study with! RSVP at [email protected] today!


Student Grief Support Group
Wednesdays at 5 pm from 10/21 – 12/9
Student Wellness Counselor Sherry Adams will facilitate an open group in which the vast range of grief responses related to losing a loved one are reviewed, discussed, and validated.  The ways in which COVID-19 restrictions have affected how we grieve will also be addressed.  Students will be provided an opportunity to offer mutual aid to one another as the process of grieving is navigated.  There will also be opportunities for bereaved students to memorialize their lost loved ones in our group setting.  The group will be a safe space for students who are mourning to express their unique experiences and establish connections with supportive peers.  If you would like more information or are interested in joining the group please email Sherry at [email protected]


COVID-19 Memorial Page

We recognize that COVID-19 has changed how we say goodbye to and memorialize our dear loved ones. While our mourning traditions might look different they remain so very important. With this understanding, we have created a virtual space for you to honor family member(s) you have lost during the COVID-19 pandemic. With immense sympathy and respect, we invite you to the CUNY SPH In Remembrance page to share your tributes. Your expressions of who your lost family member was and what they meant to you and the world matter to us. Please note that signed consent from an authorized family member is needed prior to tributes being published.  While there may be a physical distance between us, we remain a community with opportunities for mutual support.

Career Services Announcement

TONIGHT! Professional Communication Workshop

Wednesday, October 21  |  5pm – 6pm  |  Virtual  |  Register

Whether looking to land a job or fieldwork experience, successfully navigate your workplace, or just communicate clearly with fellow students and faculty, join the upcoming Professional Communication Workshop. During the session, you will have the opportunity to work with fellow participants to analyze communication scenarios and leave with practical tools you can apply to your professional life. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services.


What I Did With My Degree

Thursday, October 29  |  6 – 7:30pm |  Virtual  |  Register

Wondering what to do with your public health degree? Confused about what careers connect to different SPH concentrations? Attend this virtual event to hear public health professionals representing four different disciplines (Community Health, Health Policy and Management, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences) share their career stories, how they applied their public health degrees to the work they do now, and engage in a Q&A. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services and the Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA)


Planning to do fieldwork during Summer 2021?

Pre-Registration and fieldwork orientation sign up is now open! Your next steps are to 1) complete the fieldwork Pre-Registration Form. 2) At the end of the form, register for ONE upcoming required virtual fieldwork orientation. The dates are:

      • Tuesday, November 10th, 8 – 9pm
      • Thursday, November 12th, 5 – 6pm
      • Friday, November 20th, 12 – 1pm
      • Wednesday, December 2nd, 8 – 9pm
      • Monday, December 7th, 5 – 6pm
      • Wednesday, January 27th, 8 – 9pm

OEL strongly encourages you to complete the above steps as soon as possible. Because summer is a shorter term, beginning the process early may allow you to start your fieldwork hours early to ensure completion by the end of the summer session (some restrictions apply). Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.

Northwell Health Info Session

Monday, November 16  |  12pm – 1pm  |  Virtual  |  Register

Join talent acquisition specialists from Northwell Health as they share an overview of Northwell and discuss opportunities for employment. They will give you insider insight into their interview process, tips for effective resume writing, and how to be a successful candidate. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services.

Newsletter 10.14.2020

GSGA Newsletter 

October 14, 2020

Hello SPH Students!

GSGA would like to thank the students who joined us this past Friday to watch the documentary “All-In: The Fight For Democracy.” It was very interactive and we hope that you join us in our next event! See below our upcoming events and important announcements!


GSGA 2020-2021

Repro Club Event 

“Our Hysterectomies”

Thursday | October 15 | 6:15pm | RSVP here

To see events details click here!

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Week of action: October 12 – October 16

A series of events will be held to raise awareness, offer resources and support for survivors of street harassment and intimate partner violence (IPV) and their loved ones especially during the physical distancing and social isolation of COVID-19.

Note: These events are open to the entire SPH community. Students, faculty, and staff are highly encouraged to join us:

  • You Are Not Alone: Intimate Partner Violence and the Virtual Campus Wednesday, October 14  |  3pm  |  Register HereA panel of CUNY SPH experts that includes HPAM Professor Stacey Plichta, Public Safety Sergeant Desiree Joyner and Title IX Coordinator Sahana Gupta will discuss best practices for members of the SPH community to protect and support those who are impacted by domestic violence amidst the challenges of  COVID-19. Please register in advance for this panel presentation.

What I Did With My Degree

Thursday October 29  |  6 – 7:30pm |  Virtual  |  Register

Wondering what to do with your public health degree? Confused about what careers connect to different SPH concentrations? Attend this virtual event to hear public health professionals representing four different disciplines (Community Health, Health Policy and Management, Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences) share their career stories, how they applied their public health degrees to the work they do now, and engage in a Q&A. Brought to you by the CUNY SPH Office of Career Services and the Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA).

Wednesday Student Group is changed to Fridays

The student study group has been changed to Fridays at 6pm. This Friday October 16 join us! If you would like to meet other students in your concentration and class RSVP by emailing [email protected]

Students who join any GSGA events will earn SPH bucks which will go towards receiving SPH swag!

GSGA Step Challenge

Need a healthy challenge? Why not join the GSGA step challenge to keep yourself moving and earn SPH Bucks! Check below to see how other students are doing this month (you’ll be surprised).

Click here to join the challenge and count your steps TODAY!


Check out this Podcast! | Discriminology: the study of discrimination: This podcast will take a deep into understanding history, nuances, and strategies to dismantle discrimination. Our discussions will be diverse, informative, and fact based. Discrimination at its core is rooted in ignorance, our main goal is to educate our listeners in an inclusive manner.

Have you gotten your flu shot yet?

As the flu and COVID-19 will likely circulate at the same time this season, getting a flu vaccine is more important than ever. Although the flu vaccine will not prevent COVID-19, it will help decrease the risk of you and your family getting sick and needing flu-related medical care (nyc.gov)

Time is running out to request your absentee ballot! All eligible voters in New York state can request an absentee ballot online by visitng www.nycabsentee.com The deadline to request is October 27, but do not wait until then!

Newsletter 10.07.2020


October 7, 2020

Hello SPH Students!

We want to remind you that tonight is our virtual study group at 6PM. Since we are unable to meet on campus, this is a way for you to meet and communicate with students who are also in your field. RSVP at [email protected] today! This Friday at 6:30pm we will be screening the documentary All In: The Fight For Democracy. RSVP today to hold your spot!!

Lastly, GSGA has partnered with NYC Votes + CUNY Votes to raise awareness about voting and local government in NYC! There’s an incredibly important presidential election coming up on November 3rd. In order to participate in that election– you’ll need to register to vote! There’s only 4 days left to register for one of the most important elections of our lifetimes. The deadline to register is October 9th! NYC Votes has partnered with Turbo Vote to make registering to vote a breeze. Visit www.nycvotes.turbovote.org to get registered today! If you have a NY State ID, you’ll be able to register online. If you don’t have a NY State ID, Turbo Vote will send you a pre-filled form. All you have to do is sign it and mail it back with the postage paid envelope it comes with.

If you think you’re already registered to vote please visit www.voting.nyc to check your registration. If you’ve recently moved, you’ll need to update your form with your new address. Once you’ve registered, we challenge you to help five of your friends get registered. 

Here are some important Election Deadlines to keep in mind:

Voter Registration Deadline – October 9th

Deadline to Request Absentee Ballot – October 27th

Deadline to Postmark Absentee Ballot – November 3rd

Early Voting Period – October 24th – November 1st

Election Day – November 3rd

You can visit NYC Votes’ How to Vote page for more information about how to cast your ballot for the General Election. New Yorkers have more options now than ever before to vote, so it’s important to learn which option is best for you. You can take the CUNY Pledge to Vote to stay up to date on all the important Election Info you need! Visit this link or text CUNYvotes to 917-979-6377 to pledge your vote.

Thank you,

GSGA 2020-2021

Wednesday Student Group at 6PM


RSVP today to hold your spot!!

Check out the trailer!


Thursday October 8

National Depression Screening Day 

Screening is an important tool in preventing and mitigating the effects of illness. Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses.  If you think you may be showing signs of depression please take Mental Health America’s free, confidential, screening by clicking on the title link above.  On this day Student Wellness Counselor Sherry Adams will be available to provide follow-up support. Please email her at  [email protected] on National Depression Screening Day (October 8th) to request a same day appointment.

October 12th  – 16th  – Domestic Violence Awareness Month Week of Action:  A special event will be held to raise awareness, offer resources and support for survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) and their loved ones especially during the physical distancing and social isolation of COVID-19.  We will also host a free training on Street Harassment and ways to take action against it.

  • “You Are Not Alone: Intimate Partner Violence and the Virtual Campus”

A panel of experts that includes HPAM Professor Stacey Plichta, Public Safety Sergeant Desiree Joyner and Title IX Coordinator, Sahana Gupta will discuss best practices for members of the SPH community to protect and support those who are impacted by domestic violence amidst the challenges of  COVID-19.

Register in advance for this panel presentation here!

  • “Stand Up Against Street Harassment “provided by Hollaback!

In this 1-hour training, SPH students, faculty and staff will learn actions they can take to care for each other and themselves if they witness or experience street harassment.

Register in advance for this webinar here!



For more information about the breakdown for this event click here! 

Visit www.nycvotes.turbovote.org to get registered today!


Newsletter 10.05.2020


Monday October 5, 2020

Hello SPH Students!

We are almost halfway through the semester! We would like to share with you a couple of ongoing events that are happening weekly as well as in the month of October. On Friday October 9, GSGA will be hosting a voter mobilization event at 6:30pm. This event is free for SPH students! We will be providing SPH students with the documentary screening “All In: The Fight For Democracy”. We have a few more tickets left so make your way to RSVP today to hold your spot!!

Lastly, every Wednesday from 6pm to 7pm, GSGA hosts a virtual study group. We need more student to join us this week! There are more events coming soon! All details are below!


GSGA 2020-2021


GSGA Voter Mobilization Event

RSVP today to hold your spot!!

Virtual Study Group is every Wednesday!

We are meeting on Wednesdays at 6pm! Come and talk to other students who are in your concentration and also who are taking the same classes as you are. If you are interested, RSVP at [email protected].

You have 2 more days to Register To Vote!

Deadline Friday October 9, 2020

There is exactly 2 more days left to get registered to vote in New York State for the November 3rd Election! NYCVotes has partnered with Turbo Vote to make getting registered easy. Visit www.nycvotes.turbotvote.org.

  • If you have a valid State ID – you’ll be able to register online.
  • If you do not have a valid State ID—Turbo Vote will send you a pre-filled form with postage. All you have to do is sign and send back to the Board of Elections.

We challenge you to share this message with 5 of your friends who still need to register! Don’t forget—if you’ve recently moved you’ll need to update your registration.

Newsletter 09.23.2020


September 23, 2020

Happy Wednesday SPH Students,

GSGA hopes you are having a wonderful week! We want to extend an invitation to all SPH students to join us tonight at the Virtual Study Group today at 6pm-7pm. We want to connect you to other students who are in your MPH concentration and also who are taking the same class as you are. If you are interested, RSVP at [email protected]We encourage you to share this information with your classmates.

Also, stay updated and check out our calendar of events!

Take a look at future events!

Club Events


For more information Email: [email protected]

Wellness Event

National Suicide Prevention Month Event

Monday | September 28  | 5pm | Virtual Link

Meeting ID: 980 7110 0443 | Passcode: 150343

Student Wellness Counselor Sherry Adams will offer a virtual presentation on suicide and depression awareness and resources, followed by Q & A, and ending with a candle lighting and silent vigil to remember those who died by suicide. If you would like more information, please email Student Wellness Counselor Sherry Adams at [email protected]If you are someone you know is considering suicide please call the 24/7 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK or visit https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ to chat.

GSGA Voter Mobilization Event

This year, the GSGA Voter Mobilization Event will consist of a documentary called: “All-in: The Fight for Democracy.” This documentary film was directed and produced by Liz Garbus and Lisa Cortés. The documentary takes a look at the history, and current activism against voter suppression; barriers to voting that most people don’t even know is a threat to their basic rights as citizens of the United States. We also will have Olivia Brady NYC Votes Youth Engagement Coordinator from the New York City Campaign Finance Board who will offer a brief overview of the importance of voting, voter registration, and the absentee ballot. RSVP here today!!

Click here to take a look at the trailer!

National Voter Registration Day


Yesterday was Voter Registration Day! We are here to remind you that the deadline to register to vote is on October 9, 2020. Click here if you haven’t registered yet.





Newsletter 09.16.2020


September 16, 2020

Hi SPH Students!

GSGA will be hosting a Virtual Study Group today at 6pm to 8pm. This is a way for you to meet and greet students who may be in your class. We also will provide you with a separate zoom-room to study with your classmates. If you are interested, RSVP at [email protected]

Also, stay updated and check out our calendar of events!


Register to Vote Deadline: October 9, 2020

Absentee Ballot Application Deadline: October 27, 2020

General Election: November 3, 2020

      What does registering to vote look like? It is easy! Take a look below:

What does an Absentee Ballot look like?


Virtual Resumepalooza

Applying for jobs and internships and wondering if your resume is as compelling as it could be? Register to work with an industry professional to polish and tailor your resume for your field. 

Career Services | Thur September 17 | 12pm-3pm with 30 min slots 

ZOOM | RSVP | Questions: [email protected] 

Other Career Services:

Job Postings 

Internships and Fellowships

Club Updates

Sustainable SPH Club

Meeting | Wednesday September 16, 2020 | Email: [email protected] or [email protected]


Have you made your 2020 Census Count?

Census Weekly Fun Fact: A complete and accurate count is critical for you and your community, because the results of the 2020 Census will affect community funding, congressional representation, and more. (Census 2020)

Click on the link and make your census count!