GSGA Newsletter
December 2, 2020
Hello SPH Students!
Thank you to all the students who participated in the Friendsgiving Mixer last week! We enjoyed each other’s company, shared our plans for Thanksgiving, and watched Thanksgiving-related episodes from different TV shows.
We want to make you aware of open positions for student representatives. The first is the Committee for Individuals with Disabilities and Protected Veterans. The second is the newly formed SPH Committee for Equity and Inclusion. Interested students should send a letter of interest to [email protected].
Also, we want students to know that there are awards available for students who attend general public health and professional development conferences. More information can be found here.
Don’t forget to check out the upcoming events below or click here to see the calendar of events!
GSGA 2020-2021
Upcoming Events
International Persons with Disabilities Day
Thursday, December 3, 2020 | 4-5 pm | RSVP
International Human Rights Day
Webinar: Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng U.N. Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health Co-sponsor: Sexual &Reproductive Health Rights & Justice Club
Thursday, December 10, 2020 | 4-5 pm: RSVP

Please join the Network for College Success for a conversation on student supports at CUNY. We will start off with an overview of what is happening at CUNY, learn more about the Guide to Surviving and Thriving at CUNY and the SNAP Enrollment Campaign, as well as hear from a student panel facilitated by our partners at Young Invincibles. Attendees are encouraged to bring any questions, issues, or solutions that they have come across while working with students during the pandemic. There will be a live shared document to capture questions and solutions for all attendees to take part in.
You can learn more about the Network here:
Public Health Conference
2021 Health Datapalooza and National Health Policy Conference
February 16-18, 2021 | Virtual | RSVP
Join us for three days of virtual, boundary-breaking discussions about the latest and most important health policy issues facing our nation and the data and evidence that will drive innovation and help achieve our goals of better health and health care for everyone.
CUNY SPH Career Events
Fieldwork Orientations
Various dates and times | Virtual | Register
Planning to enroll in fieldwork for Summer 2021? Your next step is to register to attend a fieldwork orientation and fill out the fieldwork pre-registration form (linked above when you click “Register”). Because summer session is a shorter session, it’s important to get started planning your field work as soon as possible! Orientation will take place on zoom and dates being offered are:
- Wednesday, December 2 | 8 – 9pm
- Monday, December 7 | 5 – 6pm
- Wednesday, January 27 | 8 – 9pm
If you are a current CUNY SPH student facing short-term financial hardship, we encourage you to submit an application to the Student Emergency Fund.
To access the application, you will need to log into SharePoint using your SPH login (sph\______) credentials. Reach out to the [email protected] if you require assistance with SharePoint.
Click here to apply. Please note that applicants will be asked to submit supporting documentation to demonstrate financial need.
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